Why should I Pay you?


Your content needs to tell me why I should pay you

I love aesthetics just as much as the next person…but your post about your favorite fonts, mood boards, and what you recently pinned on Pinterest does not tell me why I should pay you.

Pretty content does not tell clients how your services help the bottom line.

The bottom line for your high-ticket clients is they want something that will visually match their style and simultaneously help their clients convert.

However, instead of focusing on what your high-ticket clients need to hear, or how your services help their bottom line….designer CEOs often get in the habit of creating content for the sake of creating content.

This usually looks like….

“I haven’t posted something in a while so let me throw out this font list.” 

“I’ve seen this designer post mood boards so let me do the same.”

BUT…when you focus so much of your energy on visual aesthetics you miss the depth that a high-ticket client needs to sign with you. 

This lack of depth in your marketing can result in…

  • Followers that are heavily engaged with your content but never actually become clients.
  • Clients pass you by all together because while they like your vibe the content doesn’t make them feel safe enough to hire you.
  • Clients making it to the sales call and then asking a million questions, then having to think about it and “get back to you”.


But never fear because I’m going to show you exactly what I would do to bridge that gap. 

For the client that has a million questions:

Answer any potential questions or objections they might have through your marketing. I like to call this the Beyonce approach- When footage of her sister fighting Jay z in the elevator was leaked she never addressed it in an interview. Instead, she came out with a hit song that had the line “of course sh*t goes down when there’s a billion dollars in the elevator”.

My point- don’t wait until the sales call to answer those client questions. Address them in your content the same way Beyonce addressed the issue in her music. You can save a lot of time with your clients when you meet their needs ahead of the call.

My role as your media manager would be to help you bring the “what your clients need to hear” to the forefront of your content! 

For the client that is heavily engaged but doesn’t covert. 

Try a different angle with your content that focuses more on the process, strategy, and values and less on visuals. I mean posting your work is great but clients want to understand the WHAT and the HOW. What makes your design experience unlike anyone else? Yes, your style is different I can visually see that but what is your approach? What is your strategy?

My role would be to incorporate your brand positioning into your content so clients can build a connection.

Now here’s the deal…I know some of you reading this may end up DIYing or sliding this message to your VA. That’s fine. Happy to give the tea for free because I truly believe….

No one can do it like me. Book our media management packages here


Marketing Tips

July 13, 2022




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