Client Marketing Campaigns


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"A drop in sales at kohls"

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I doubled my retreat attendance 

the Win


I sold out all my spots for my membership

The win


I signed my first high ticket client with less than 100 IG followers

THe Win


the win


the win





the win



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See what she had to say...

  • I got a content strategy to finally get over my how the heck do I have a blog and everything, a Type A brain to organize my Type B artist wandering into actionable steps. 
  • a solid, unshakeable idea of branding strategy I can take everywhere. 
  • She helped me sign a copywriting client from my blog! I had never signed a client from there before! 
  • I pitched myself to some major brands all because I felt empowered to do so in her coaching container. 

After 3 Month Consulting

  • I was stuck and felt like omnichannel was too much work / overwhelming.
  •  I don't know how to keep and hold momentum. I have many ideas.
  •  I don’t know how to design my offers or charge what I'm worth and keeping consistency.

Before she struggled with...

Her service suite: 
Business Consulting
Moving Bodies (intuitive movement and connection coaching and dance classes)

Meet CHARLIE: copywriter

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Every time I started feeling like I had a pain point, Kierra had already sensed it and knew exactly how to act - in fact, she'd already planned out the plan to take!

 Not to mention Voxxer attention like no other - like we were having coaching chats in the middle of the day right when I had something pop up. Encouragement in my instagram stories to make me feel like the best? Truly incredible. 

If you're starting omnichannel, you're missing out to not work with her. I'd work with her even if I weren't because it encompasses real business actions and operations. Such a blessing.

I can only imagine how this would have helped baby business me -- and how much it helped me at the time! Kierra's container is unlike any other, and it's incredibly helpful to have the edges smoothed, all the areas taken care of. If you're a first time business owner overwhelmed and not sure where to start -- do it! You'll get everything taken care of you need.

​​Kierra too is the most encouraging person. Her energy and fire she brings will prop you up and make you feel 1000 percent confident. She's the best mentor and cheerleader. There's no one like her in business, and this is a really special container in the coaching world.

"There's no one like her in business, and this is a really special container in the coaching world."

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See what she had to say...

  • Since working together, the shift in my messaging and the way I show up to sell has shifted positively.
  •  I no longer feel bad talking about my offers every single post I make,
  • I am being more consistent with my content, and my messaging actually makes sense.
  • Still moving forward in my business despite being a full-time executive assistant to a CEO with a two-hour commute AND doing a master's program. Without Kierra, I would've given up and not kept pushing forward,
  • ​​In just 3 months I was able to complete my client portal, and create several weeks' worth of content to sell the offer and I even got 5 people to join the waitlist. 

After 3 Month Consulting

  • Launch strategy for my membership 
  • Social media strategy, specifically messaging. I don’t think my messaging lands for my ICA
  • Work on learning how to close deals. I struggle with sales conversations. 

Before she struggled with...

Her service suite: Membership

Meet Kristyn: nutrition coach

Kierra is the messaging QUEEEEN!

She will tell you how it is, including telling you to get over your shit and out of your own way. I appreciate the bluntness more than anything honestly.

Coaching with her was a mental healing as much as it was a business success. I've been burned 3 different times on past business coaches not doing at all what they said they do. I was hesitant to sign with KLC, but sheesh was it SO different. Worth every penny. 

Kierra really shows up for you and gets her hands in your business.

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See what she had to say...

  • I feel sooooooo aligned!!!!!! I actually like what I do now and am excited to work with people. 
  • I know my services, who they work for, and don't double guess myself anymore. 
  • I feel like now, as a marketer I can do for myself what I do for others.
  • Now I have way more confidence in myself and I want to show up as myself and not as a copy version of people I've seen online. 
  • She helped me book my first 4 figure client just a few months into coaching!

after 3 Month Consulting

  • I was SO frustrated with my own self lol. I had all these thoughts floating around, and wasn't sure how to take my knowledge and tangibly put it down on paper.
  •  I struggled with pivoting with ideal clients because I'd have a million ideas running around.
  • The most frustrating thing was that I wasn't sure of myself or if I was headed in the right direction because it was just me talking to myself.
  • Consistency and getting clients. Since I launched recently I need help putting together a comprehensive + impactful marketing plan. 
  • I would love to have a plan for all my channels so I don’t fall through the cracks.

Before she struggled with...

Her service suite: Marketing Agency

Meet Summer: marketing consultant

I have way more confidence in myself

I want to show up as myself and not as a copy version of people I've seen online. Up until recently imposter syndrome was hitting SO hard and I constantly questioned myself and never thought was I produced was good enough but now I'm SO over that way of thinking. I'm ready to walk in my knowledge and take my experience to craft unique services and show up.

After working with Kierra I have a clear mind for what my services do and who they are for and can now craft my own marketing messages around it.

If you are the type to fight with yourself, be really confused, and have struggled for more than 6 months.. you NEED this!. No question about it.

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Meet Cassandra: vegan health coach

Her service suite: Health Coach

Before she struggled with...

  • I really want to know how to market to get the right people coming to me and not me spending 8 hours a day trying to find leads.
  • I put content on Instagram 5 days a week, I post on stories, I go live and I feel like everyone is eating up WHAT I say not it's not hitting them to the point that they are flooding my call schedule.
  • People will take and download my lead magnets but won't take action on actually coaching with me. 
  • I feel like I'm doing the same CTA ever time and it's not attracting my ideal client avatar
  • I feel like I lost on my message, my marketing, my vision and actually how to get new cold clients without spending my whole day in DM's.

after Marketing Consulting

  • I feel like I have a better direction on where I'm going with my business and who my ideal client is!
  • She told me exactly why I wasn't captivating my audience and why my offers weren't selling. After implementing her updates I signed a 4 figure client after having a 6 month client drought. 

See what she had to say...

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Kierra is not playing around! She isn't here to sugar coat stuff!

She tells it like it is. It also really is helpful that she really listens to what you need help with. She lays it all out on the table and helps you understand how to put it all together

What blew my mind away about working with her was how just looking at my social media she could tell I had no idea how to talk to my audience with the intent to buy something, she said "I feel like your fun and funny on IG but it doesn’t make me want your program" And I was blown away by that because I never knew that from whatI I was writing in my content wasn't catching my target audiences eye. And I'm grateful she gave me that guidance.

Shes tough but she cares!! She cares about what you need so you can run your business, she doesn’t throw you on a webinar and not solve your problems in your business. She's knowledgeable, observant, and a problem solver!

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Meet Jemilla: COPYWRITER

Her service suite: Copy services such as Copy retainer, 

I struggled with...

  • Having a concrete marketing plan in place, a strategic plan for my offers, and offer pricing.
  • I felt like I was building my business as I was going along, and patching up mistakes and hitches in my business with a band-aid. 
  • I felt behind compared to my competitors and peers, and felt like I was trying to play a game of catchup.

after Marketing Consulting

  • I feel like I have a clearer picture of my business, and feel so professional with my service and pricing strategy.
  • Kierra helped me see that I need to be strategic about which services I offer, and make sure that how I price them not only helps me pay the bills but also compensates me for the opportunity cost, fees, and taxes.

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It was fulfilling working with another Black woman who just GOT me

It was fulfilling working with another Black woman who just GOT me, and who made me feel comfortable — it was like I was talking to a friend! And it was so informative without being pompous, which I feel like many service providers struggle with. I left the VIP day feeling so much more confident, because I felt more competent to handle my business, and it was from 3 HOURS! Unbelievable — Kierra really married the feeling of a safe space with the education and engagement to take my business further.

After working with Kierra I'll really think about not just if my clients need my services, but if my services serve ME. I was offering down-sell offers with add-ons, even though my clients didn't really need it. And offering it was giving my clients a chance to pay me less for a cheaper option, even though they needed the premium option. Kierra helped me see that I need to be strategic about which services I offer, and make sure that how I price them not only helps me pay the bills but also compensates me for the opportunity cost, fees, and taxes.

The truth could spend hours trying to Google these things yourself and learn on the fly while trying to run your business — and spend thousands of dollars on business coaches that make empty promises — or spend 3 hours on an investment that will most definitely pay off sooner rather than later. And feel empowered and safe, because Kierra not only has your back but she also cares about you feeling good about yourself and this experience.

I cant say enough about how I loved the experience — it's really important to work with women-owned, BIPOC-owned (especially black-owned) brands, and I alreay had a great connection with Kierra so it was a very fulfilling experience. I got everything I was hoping for and more.

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Meet Alaine: ad's strategist

Her service suite: Ad’s Agency

I struggled with...

  • Messaging- what to say so that it impacts people and gets people to buy. All I’m posting now is just facts and statistics about ads!
  • Pricing and offers developed to reach my financial goals- I want to be different and more impactful in businesses in what I am offering. 
  • How to create a seamless client experience. I use Dubsado and I want to get the automation so that it flows seamlessly! 
  • Strategies for visibility that feel authentic to me.
  • Content- how to know what to post about or to write an email about (I want to start an email list, which I have not done yet)

after Marketing Consulting

  • I feel like I have more direction in my business. Now that we have great service packages and content to talk about, I just have to get out, post and talk about what I do. 
  • And I feel so reassured with my client experience and that when I get a new client I am set up and ready to serve them! I feel so relieved and reassured. 
  • I know how to focus my content and message to be cohesive. Now I won't confuse my audience as I know exactly what to talk about and how to make social media content for the future to serve my audience.
  • I learned that I can create my business around the needs of my family!

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It’s so much easier and effective to have Kierra help you!

You need to pull together your funds and work with her! If you are serious about elevating your brand and moving forward in your business, you absolutely need a marketing strategy. Instead of spending hours piecing together marketing strategy info on Google, it is SO much easier and effective for Kierra to help you! With her you get 1:1 services about your specific business, and that is so valuable in time AND money lost in sales that you didn't get because you were doing it wrong.
Overall I just I appreciated the amount of thought and intentionality that Kierra used to help me create a brand mission, brand pillars and a true strategy that worked for me. Kierra did a great job of asking me questions to get me to think deeper about my business and to help me connect my brand pillars to the content that we created.

I left feeling relieved and re-assured. 

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Meet Pam: fitness instructor

Her service suite: Fitness & Nutrition Membership


  • My business was in a complete standstill. I wasn't lost per se, but I was definitely stuck.
  • I knew I needed to pivot but was very unclear of where to go next.
  • I knew that I wanted to help people and that I had tons of experience and expertise in my field but what was most frustrating was feeling like I didn't know how to put myself out there to really get people EXCITED to work with me online.
  • I was unclear on my branding which of course made my marketing very unclear and what I wanted was NOT what I was putting out there.
  • Doing everything by myself and not having any real systems in place. I need to take the time to build systems so I can manage this solo thing. 

after Marketing Consulting

  • I now feel in alignment with my purpose which drives my business
  • I know how to position my offer and how to close clients, whereas before I never knew what to say online to attract leads. 
  • I gained SO MUCH clarity about what I was going to do moving forward because of Kierra's impressive ability to ask the right question at the right time to help me dig deeper into what I truly want and what my deep, deep down vision is. 

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Kierra is just so knowledgeable about marketing and branding.

I enjoyed many things about my VIP day. First, Kierra is just so knowledgeable about marketing and branding. She knows what she's talking about but that's not even the great stuff. What I really enjoyed was how much care, effort and explanation she put into everything we talked about. She validated, asked the right questions to help me think and go deeper AND she was always willing to listen to me and make sure she understood what I was trying to say or convey to her. She could have easily just told me what I needed to do and that was it but she didn't. It was a VERY collaborative experience and I really enjoyed it.

Now, I benefited a TON from my VIP day. I mean first off, I gained SO MUCH clarity about what I was going to do moving forward because of Kierra's impressive ability to ask the right question at the right time to help me dig deeper into what I truly want and what my deep, deep down vision is. No one had been able to truly pull that out of me in the past and she did in one day. So this clarity was the biggest thing I needed to figure out, we did and then everything after that seemed like a bonus to me even though it was part of the VIP day all along! Haha

If you're on the fence about investing in a consulting, then I would say first, I totally get that...any investment can be hard to do. But if you are passionate about what your business is and you truly believe in it and what you're doing and you know deep down you will be successful but are just feeling stuck, then work with Kierra. You will get SO UNSTUCK it won't even be funny. You will fill the holes in your business, marketing, branding and content plan that you didn't even KNOW you had. Kierra customizes everything to you so she WILL get to the root of your struggle and challenge you to go deeper, which we all need. If you're hesitant about the investment, I would implore you to ask how much can you afford to keep struggling the way you currently are. For me, I knew I was ready to get off the struggle bus. Do it because you believe in your business and it's success, you won't regret it!

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Meet Malliron: PODCAST HOST

Her offers: Monetizing my podcast


  • I struggled with turning my vision for Baddies with Business into a business and not just a hobby
  • I needed more clarity and support around marketing strategies.

after Working with klc

  • I had a streamlined strategy for all of my offers so I could focus on selling one offer at a time
  • I had a pricing strategy for all of my offers 
  • Since consulting with Kierra my business has grown so much and my Baddies Retreat has doubled in size!

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EVERYTHING about working with her blew me away actually.

EVERYTHING about working with her blew me away actually. I appreciate the pacing and the focus of each section of the day.

I highly recommend this because every Baddie needs a Baddie in their corner supporting them. Kierra is a great support to have to hype you up!

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Meet Cheesette: real estate coach

Her service suite: High Ticket Membership

What we Accomplished in the first 8 weeks of being her Marketing Director

  • Helped me build my membership from scratch. She created a pricing strategy, gave me the messaging tools to sell the offer, and helped me structure my membership.
  • Helped me create my youtube. I wanted to re-start that again and she created an entire strategy from scratch. All I had to do was create the videos according to the strategy she outlined. 
  • Created an evergreen funnel for my other businesses
  • Oversaw the creation of my website for my new coaching business. She helped my team with the design, and sales page copy.
  • Created the content strategy for all 5 of my marketing platforms, so that my content is streamlined and I can attract leads from anywhere.
  • Created the content strategy to help me book out my 1:1 coaching offer before I launch the membership.
  • Created the application for my 1:1 coaching clients so that the leads are aligned. 

  • I've landed a coaching residency where I get to speak to my target audience all the time
  • I've booked over 8 speaking engagements and have about 2-3 inquires a month for speaking
  • Generated over $25k in sales for my brand new membership

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The way I’m marketing is now way more effective and a lot cleaner. I can tell what the focus is and exactly what I’m selling. I’ve never marketed this way before but I like it. I feel more organized and clear in my coaching offers and marketing. I get good feedback on my emails that she helped with! 

In a total of 6 months The KLC team helped us build a coaching company from the ground up! Before working together, we had no website, no marketing strategy, and no offers. 

In 6 months we were able to write website copy, begin marketing, create offers, and confidently sell our offers. We saw a huge amount of traffic growth and sales in a short period of time. 

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Meet ANNELISE: Business Coach

Her service suite: 
Group Program and A mastermind


  • I worried I didn't have the right leads for my group program. I was selling my high ticket mastermind for so long that I was worried I had completely isolated the entry level leads for my group program. 
  • I loved created IG content and was not a fan of my emails. I wasn't sure if they were worth my time. 
  • I didn't know what aspects of my launch were working, or where to improve. I had an idea but wasn't sure. 

See what she had to say after working with us...

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1st launch $5k
2nd launch $20k

Prior to working with Kierra I didn't have any data. I had an idea of where my leads were coming from (Instagram & Emails) but now with data I know for sure!

My messaging has been refined and validated by my audience, It's so clear now when I was hesitating for so long about my messaging.

I gained so much confidence in my launch process!

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Her service suite: High ticket Mastermind


  • I have created 6 client avatars that I am certain will speak to my person
  • I feel confident about my launch and pre-launch
  • I am no longer guessing about what content to write
  • This is the most peaceful prelaunch I have had in my business
  • Best opening day of pre-launch in terms of number of bootcamp signups!!!
  • Turned my launch around from 0 applications to 7 sales calls booked!
  • Actively converting leads in my DM's into sales calls
  • Updated my messaging based on what the data indicated converted
  • Kierra's team provided creative direction for my brand photoshoot and I loved how my pictures turned out!
  • 1st launch $40k and 2nd launch $100k. Total Revenue $140k

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1st launch $40k
2nd launch $100k. Total Revenue $140k

There is no guesswork in the launch, and the support from KLC is unmatched. Kierra provides amazing insight and advice, and I love that we knew exactly where my leads and registrants were coming from. That gave me a sense of peace and certainty!

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Her service suite: 1:1 services 


"Working with Kierra was super refreshing! As a relationship coach my clients constantly say that I decode their relationship in a way that they’ve never heard before and I had never experienced that feeling myself till working with Kierra. 

Every single time she was able to listen to me and quickly dissect what I was trying to convey to my ideal client, create a strategy for it and support me with my a content plan immediately. Kierra was able to work with my team and create a platform for my team to keep track of my content, I didn’t realize how important this was till we started working together.

She helped me with my content and messaging and I made $15k in sales and counting!"

1st launch $40k
2nd launch $100k. Total Revenue $140k

There is no guesswork in the launch, and the support from KLC is unmatched. Kierra provides amazing insight and advice, and I love that we knew exactly where my leads and registrants were coming from. That gave me a sense of peace and certainty!

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