From 0 clients to my highest revenue month to date.

I had my highest revenue month after a major slow season in my business. Want to know how I turned it around?

Step one: I hired myself

Seriously… I really did hire myself.
In the back half of 2021, I was really struggling to sign clients. I couldn’t figure out if it was me, my offers, what I was saying, etc. I felt incredibly stuck.
I decided to give my business an audit (the same one I give my VIP clients). I picked apart every little detail trying to figure out the leak. I started by making a list of everything that was working. In business you either arent getting leads (lack of traffic), arent converting leads(lack of conversion), or can’t keep the clients you have(lack of retention). So I knew that was my first starting point.
What was working-
  1. I was getting a lot of interest and a ton of engagement on my content. People liked what I had to say and they were hanging around to read more. Which clearly told me- traffic wasn’t the issue.
  2. The majority of my clients are return clients. They either hired me for a VIP day or they were referred to me. OK check- retention isn’t the issue.
By process of elimination, I realized- I had a conversion issue, and I knew exactly what to do to fix it.

The solution: Get a VIP day.

I sat down and I gutted my business from start to finish.
Mission: I picked apart my mission and completely re-aligned it. The last pieces of content I made didn’t resonate with me at all and I could never figure out why, until I realized- It felt vague because it was vague. I was creating fluffy content because I didn’t know who I was actually targeting.
Niched Down: I niched down into my target audience and I let the fear of isolating others go.
Price: I changed my prices to something that I felt incredibly confident in. I tuned out the noise of what the internet told me to do and I decided to price myself in a way that didn’t make me internally cringe inside when I said the number.
10 out of 10 recommend pricing your services in alignment with what makes you feel confident. I would agonize for days when I would send out a proposal, holding my breath that someone would sign. Whether you’re worth the investment or not…no one should ever feel that way when they send out an invoice.
When people say no to me know my only response is – your loss.

Once I cleared through the brand strategy I was off to Marketing.

It was 10x easier because I knew who I was talking to and I knew why. I wrote content with a lot more confidence and I ripped the entire book open on how I was going to show up on social media. A few feed posts a week and the rest of the content was in stories.
If my audience was going to learn from me they were going to do it in the place where I showed up the best. Long-form text content.
Anything else that no longer brought me joy was going to be managed by my team.

Which brought me to SOCIAL MEDIA management.

 I hired my studio to write my content so I could focus on the areas of the business that lit me up. If they could take care of the details then I could give my attention to fixing my conversion problem. We split up the tasks based on where my business needed the TLC.
Email was an area of opportunity so I outsourced those to my copywriter. I took on story content and established myself as the authority in my niche. I used our engagement management team to take care of getting new leads and building community.
Together we tagged teamed and we created stellar content. I had my highest engaged month on IG. 
BUT I needed a flow to keep it all together. It wasn’t enough just to assign the team tasks I needed a place to track everything. I work a full-time job and run a studio with several contractors who manage clients’ businesses AND mine. Things were going to be a madhouse if I didn’t pull something together.
Plus if my plan to fix my conversion problem worked that meant clients were going to start coming any day now. I needed to get a process in place ASAP.

So I booked my new service Automate & Elevate.

I hired our workflow strategist to map out my social media management service and merge the team and clients’ tasks together. My previous processes were designed for a done in a day service and I knew retainer was going to require something different. It took us a few days to work through all the kinks and then we uploaded the entire thing to a Miro board for ease of access. I then used our in-house Tech VA to implement everything into ClickUp.
The elevate portion was outsourced to my talented designer Kierra from Identity Haus. Since she was owning the rebrand I had her upgrade my client PDFs and give a facelift to my welcome packets and VIP day documents.
I custom-designed my Dubsado forms and taught myself a bit of CSS coding to make the edits I wanted. It was important to me to have all of my client touchpoints be consistent across the brand so I took the same font and aesthetic and applied it to my CRM tools.
When I was finished I had
1. Clarity around my brand and the clients I wanted to work with
2. A clear back end system in place
3. Content that was concise and fun for me to write.
It took me two months to utilize all of my services but
January was my highest cash month and 80% of the clients I signed were completely new.
Needless to say, I fixed my conversion issue.
We can help you fix yours too-  See the services here. 

Marketing Tips

May 3, 2022




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