You’re probably reading this thinking girl what the heck is internal branding and external branding? These are just some fancy terms created to describe the inner workings of a business. Internal branding refers to the foundational elements i.e Brand Pillars, Brand Voice, and Brand Positioning. External branding refers to the exterior of a business i.e packaging, logo, and brand colors. The two components bring a harmonious element to your business and establishing a strong brand identity.
My favorite part about building my own business was choosing the aesthetics. Knowing I have created something that visually represents my vibe and seeing other people resonate with it makes me so happy.⠀
But before I got here I spent months behind the scenes working on the not so glamorous part.⠀
▪️The time I invested studying other marketers in my niche and understanding my landscape.⠀
▪️Every weekend and spared work hour spent on learning all the ways I could tweak my offer so that I stood out.⠀
▪️Waking up and going to bed listening to podcasts about discovering the voice of my brand and how to effectively position myself.⠀
And while I admit that I am a sucker for packaging, I have come to realize that…⠀
You can have the best packaging, logo, pretty Instagram you can find- BUT if your not clear on your brand positioning, your messaging, or your customer then it won’t last very long.⠀
A cute logo might make you a sale but a brand will make you a business. If you’re ready to start your’s click here! ⠀
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