A Step by Step guide to hit 100% of your Launch Goals

Step 1: Get the Data You Need to Track

Everything starts with the numbers. If you don’t have data, you’re essentially flying blind. This is often the missing link in many stressful and unsuccessful launches. The key to a smooth, stress-free launch is understanding the data you need to capture.

You might be wondering, “What data?” When I say data I mean, tracking what your clients are doing off social media and how your content is converting. The best way to do this is with Google Analytics. Make sure you’re setting up Google Analytics on all your marketing platforms and your website.

Why a Custom Dashboard Matters

It’s easy to set up Google Analytics by following a few online tutorials, but the real value comes from understanding the data. That’s where our services come in. We don’t just set up Google Analytics; we create a custom dashboard tailored to your business. We make your dashboard custom because the funnel (aka the buying journey) looks different depending on your business model.

For example, let’s say you’re running a membership site where customers click to buy without a sales call. Your dashboard will look very different from someone selling high-ticket offers that require sales calls and longer lead times.

Our custom dashboard helps you track where your leads are coming from, how they’re moving through your funnel, and what they’re ultimately buying. While Google Analytics provides raw data, our dashboards present it in an easy-to-understand format. You can see an inside look here

Step 2: Separate Pre-Launch and Open Cart Data

Understanding your data means breaking it down into manageable parts. We separate what’s happening in your pre-launch from what’s happening in your open cart. This way, you can pinpoint where improvements are needed.

Imagine you’re running a store like Target. You’d need to know sales from Starbucks inside the store, returns, self-checkout purchases, clerk-assisted sales, and electronics sales separately. Similarly, your business needs to track different customer behaviors and sales channels.

Step 3: Weekly Progress Reports

One of the most valuable parts of our service is the weekly progress reports. These allow you to compare your current launch with previous ones. You can track if you’re getting the same amount of engagement on the third day of your launch as last time or if something needs tweaking.

Weekly progress reports help you stay on top of your launch goals. You can easily see if you’re on track, what’s working, and what’s not. This real-time tracking enables you to make informed decisions throughout your launch.

Step 4: Customized Solutions for Different Business Sizes

Your dashboard should reflect your business size and type. A 7-Eleven-sized business will have different data needs compared to a Costco-sized business. Customizing your dashboard ensures that you’re getting the most relevant information for your specific situation. This is why we have 2 options. If you sell your offers on evegreen snap up the tracker. If you launch your offers/products get the retainer.

Step 5: Use Data to Improve your content

While anyone can set up Google Analytics, working with us ensures that you’re not just collecting data but also understanding and using it effectively. There is nothing worse than having the data, seeing the numbers and then you have no clue what to do with it. In our offer, we provide the data AND recommendations on how to utilize it to improve your content!

Ways To Work With Us

I want data in my business!: If you loved today’s blog and want data in your business then check out our services here. We have the tracker for evergreen sellers (aka people whose offers are always available) and a launch retainer for those who launch their offers! See here

I want to make sales through my content: Join the membership. Inside the membership, we help you sign your next 5-10 clients through social, email & beyond. If you are constantly posting and not seeing any results, if you hold your breath waiting for your clients to re-sign because you’re struggling to get new leads. Then join the membership! We will give you the custom marketing plan you need to sign your next set of clients through content.

I need help making content: Purchase our content retainer where we will write or design all your content for any platform you need. We can write from scratch or repurpose video & podcast transcripts, emails and more!

See ya next time!

-Kierra Conover

Marketing Tips

September 3, 2024




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