build your offer suite and Sign your next 5-10 clients through content.

MARKETING membership


You’re ready to sign your next 5-10 clients with a clear, actionable strategy that feels authentic to your strengths

You want to attract the right clients and stop second-guessing what to sell or where to focus your efforts

You are coming back from a hiatus. Life got busy, and now your business feels a bit "bleh." You're ready to go all in again and need hands-on support to get things off the ground.


You want to sign clients at full price without discounting your services and constantly stuck in "beta client" mode. 



build or refine your offer suite so you can sign your next 5-10 clients.

Implement a custom strategy that makes sense for your brand instead of stressing about what works for everyone else. 
Sign your next 5-10 clients at full price or double your prices and still close the leads you want!
Dust that cool idea off the shelf and finally go to market. 
Sign your next 5-10 clients with your unique selling style so you can authentically attract clients. 















See what the Clique is asking about 


Hey Kierra I’m launching a Quiz, can you check my content to see if I need to improve anything?

Just dropped some new emails, do you mind reviewing the subject lines on them

Right now I have about 6-8 different offer Ideas and I know I need to simplify them but I don't know where to begin?

I’m considering raising my prices, but I’m not sure If I should wait until after this launch or do it before?

I booked my first sales call! Do you have an advice for what questions to ask?

consulting client results

cheesette | REal estate coach




I hired KLC to help me launch my membership after running a succesful million dollar real estate business. Since working with them I have a pipeline of clients as well as general clarity around what I want to present to the public. We now have over 400 email subscribers, 9 people total in a 4-figure program, have booked 7+ paid speaking engagements, and are constantly getting questions about working together.

dr kimmy | Business coach



dr kimmy

A few wins from 1:1 consulting with us

-The support is unmatched & Kierra gives amazing insight and advice 

-I love that we have Data to know exactly where registrants came from



Kierra is really good at selling; she will help you find the right words to turn your offer into gold. With the data she will provide you, you will know exactly what you need to work on to improve your launch. I really have a better understanding of my people based on data. Having the data and numbers is so reassuring to me because the data is just undeniable.

annelise | Business coach



"I booked her consulting and content retainer and let me say working with Kierra is super refreshing! I'm an entrepreneur with 2 kids and limited time and I knew I needed support. Having Kierra on my team has regulated my nervous system because I don't feel so much pressure anymore. 

kakrina | relationship coach



"I doubled my prices & booked out my offer"
Prior to Kierra I was charging $1.5k for my copy services and wondering why I was barely making it. I felt like I was building my business as I went along, patching up mistakes and hitches with a band-aid. I felt behind compared to my competitors and peers, constantly trying to play catch-up. Now I feel like I have a clearer picture of my business! 

jemilla | copywriter



Joined the membership in March! Since then 
- Signed 9 clients in 3 months
- Launched a brand new course
- Quit my 9-5 & started grad school while running an agency
- Launched a new Quiz Funnel
- Started my Blog & Grew my email list

jennifer | operations agency owner

30 day win

$6K client

"I joined the beta group of Kierra's program and was able to get a clear understanding of how to realign my messaging and go from a $2.5k offer to a $6k offer and then added a $9k. After our first call in April 2024, she helped me collect the evidence, data, and key stories from my past and current clients to get clear on my messaging.

By May 2024, I booked my first $6k client, where I was previously selling at $2.5k. She also helped me clean up my messaging on my sales page, making it easy for prospects to identify themselves, see my experience, and have a clear understanding of the value of working together. Kierra's genius lies in her ability to pull out what's most important in your business and throw out the noise and overwhelm that can come from marketing."

dani | Leadership consultant

30 day win

$10k client

"I have been able to hit 5 figure quarters the entire year of 2024!!! I'm on my way to consistently hitting a minimum $10k a month this last quarter. I'm also proud of myself for running my business and being a mom to my almost 2 year old. "

teneka | research agency owner

signed my first paying client

"I had less than 110 followers on IG and the only people who watched my content were my mom and friends. I thought it would be impossible to get in front of my dream clients. But I implemented Kierra's strategies and I signed my first client ever. I converted a cold lead into a 4 figure package!

alaine | Paid ads consultant

signed my first paying client

Oh my gosh, I got my first paying customer while working with Kierra!!. That win gave me SOOOO much confidence and drive to keep going. Since then, I've gotten another client for packaging design work, and it was so easy to bring them on. I felt so much more confident in my sales call & actually knew what to say. I wouldn't have performed so well if I hadn't gone over my offers with Kierra!.

sydney | creative director

signed my first paying client

'After working with Kierra I have way more confidence in myself and I want to show up as myself and not as a copy version of people I've seen online. Up until recently imposter syndrome was hitting SO hard and I constantly questioned myself and never thought was I produced was good enough but now I'm SO over that way of thinking. I'm ready to walk in my knowledge and take my experience to craft unique services and show up."

summer | marketing agency owner

signed my first client after a 6 month drought 

"Before Kierra my business was honestly turning into a hobby. I went from working with dozens of people a month to maybe one or two people. I knew something was off and I couldn't figure out what it was. I implemented her strategies and just a few weeks later I signed a 4 figure client after having a 6 month client drought."

cassandra | vegan coach

7 clients

A few wins from 1:1 consulting with us

-The support is unmatched & Kierra gives amazing insight and advice 

-I love that we have Data to know exactly where registrants came from

-I feel a sense of peace about my Launch!


Dr kimmy | Business Coach

13 clients

Kierra is really good at selling; she will help you find the right words to turn your offer into gold. With the data she will provide you, you will know exactly what you need to work on to improve your launch. I really have a better understanding of my people based on data. Having the data and numbers is so reassuring to me because the data is just undeniable.

hit 100% of her launch goals twice!

annelise | Business Coach

9 clients

I hired KLC to help me launch my membership after running a succesful million dollar real estate business. Since working with them I have a pipeline of clients as well as general clarity around what I want to present to the public. We now have over 400 email subscribers, 9 people total in a 4-figure program, have booked 7+ paid speaking engagements, and are constantly getting questions about working together.

"i enrolled clients into my membership while on vacation in hawaii"

Cheesette | REal Estate Coach

15 clients

"I booked her consulting and content retainer and let me say working with Kierra is super refreshing! I'm an entrepreneur with 2 kids and limited time and I knew I needed support. Having Kierra on my team has regulated my nervous system because I don't feel so much pressure anymore. 

"I had my first 6 figure year as mom of 2 while working a 9-5, and travelling"

Karina | Relationship Coach

9 clients

Joined the membership in March! Since then 
- Signed 9 clients in 3 months
- Launched a brand new course
- Quit my 9-5 & started grad school while running an agency
- Launched a new Quiz Funnel
- Started my Blog & Grew my email list

"I signed 9 clients while working a 9-5"

jennifer | operation agency owner

4 clients

"Prior to Kierra I was charging $1.5k for my copy services and wondering why I was barely making it. I felt like I was building my business as I went along, patching up mistakes and hitches with a band-aid. I felt behind compared to my competitors and peers, constantly trying to play catch-up. Now I feel like I have a clearer picture of my business and feel so professional with my service and pricing strategy. Kierra helped me see that I need to be strategic about which services I offer and ensure that my pricing not only helps me pay the bills but also compensates me for the opportunity cost, fees, and taxes."

"I doubled my prices and booked out my retainer offer with a 9-5"

jemilla | copywriter

30 day win
$6k client

"I joined the beta group of Kierra's program and was able to get a clear understanding of how to realign my messaging and go from a $2.5k offer to a $6k offer and then added a $9k. After our first call in April 2024, she helped me collect the evidence, data, and key stories from my past and current clients to get clear on my messaging. By May 2024, I booked my first $6k client, where I was previously selling at $2.5k. She also helped me clean up my messaging on my sales page, making it easy for prospects to identify themselves, see my experience, and have a clear understanding of the value of working together. Kierra's genius lies in her ability to pull out what's most important in your business and throw out the noise and overwhelm that can come from marketing."

"I doubled my prices while travelling the world"

Dani | Leadership Consultant

30 day win
$10k client

"I have been able to hit 5 figure quarters the entire year of 2024!!! I'm on my way to consistently hitting a minimum $10k a month this last quarter. I'm also proud of myself for running my business and being a mom to my almost 2 year old. "

5 figure quarters the entire year

Teneka | REsearch agency owner

signed my first paying client ever!

"I had less than 110 followers on IG and the only people who watched my content were my mom and friends. I thought it would be impossible to get in front of my dream clients. But I implemented Kierra's strategies and I signed my first client ever. I converted a cold lead into a 4 figure package!:

i converted a cold lead into a 4 figure offer

alaine | paid ads consultant

signed my first paying client ever!

Oh my gosh, I got my first paying customer while working with Kierra!!. That win gave me SOOOO much confidence and drive to keep going. Since then, I've gotten another client for packaging design work, and it was so easy to bring them on. I felt so much more confident in my sales call & actually knew what to say. I wouldn't have performed so well if I hadn't gone over my offers with Kierra!.

signed my first paid client

sydney | creative director

signed my first paying client ever!

'After working with Kierra I have way more confidence in myself and I want to show up as myself and not as a copy version of people I've seen online. Up until recently imposter syndrome was hitting SO hard and I constantly questioned myself and never thought was I produced was good enough but now I'm SO over that way of thinking. I'm ready to walk in my knowledge and take my experience to craft unique services and show up."

i'm way more confidence in myself

summer | Marketing agency owner

signed my first client after a 6 month drought 

"Before Kierra my business was honestly turning into a hobby. I went from working with dozens of people a month to maybe one or two people. I knew something was off and I couldn't figure out what it was. I implemented her strategies and just a few weeks later I signed a 4 figure client after having a 6 month client drought."

my business had turned into a hobby

cassandra | Vegan Coach



A little bit about me- I’m the popular girl that everyone had high expectations for. I know you might be like "eyeroll" but hear me out.

Growing up, I was voted "Most Likely to Succeed." I was always tall for my age, attractive, and while I wasn’t rich, I wasn’t poor either. I went to private school for 13 years, had a 7-year career at a billion-dollar brand, married my college sweetheart—a good Christian guy that everyone adores. I was the first grandchild to get married and have a big wedding bash, and on and on the story goes.

I’m the high-achieving, pretty girl who's had an incredible life so far.

But the flip side of being “Most Likely to Succeed” is that people often project what they want for their life onto me.

My dad didn’t have a successful athletic career, so he tried to live through me by buying me tennis rackets, hoping I'd become the “next Serena Williams.”

My friends would say, "Gosh, if I had your height, I’d be playing basketball or running track."

Coworkers would suggest I apply for jobs they thought I’d be good at, even though I didn’t want them.

Business peers would advise me to do more video content “because when people see you, they fall in love with you.” Or they’d insist I create certain offers because “Omg Kierra, people would kill for this.”.......

I never wanted any of the things other people wanted for me. I don’t like playing sports, I’ve never liked speaking in front of crowds, I prefer written content over video, and I’ve made countless offers that were supposed to be no-brainers, only for them to flop.

Throughout my life, the only person who asked me what I wanted was me. It made me realize that sometimes people would rather project onto you than actually help you.

That the simplest gift we can give someone is just asking them...what do you want?

This is why, when I consult you, I make it a point to help you build a business the way YOU want to. 

I don’t project my vision for my business onto you. I don’t recommend you sell offers just because "I think they’d be great". I ask the right questions to help you pull out what you do best.
If you want to pivot in your business but are scared because “all your clients really like your current offers”—this is the place to take the leap.


If you have an idea for an offer that your last coach said nobody would buy—this is the place to go full throttle with it.

If you want to charge a price you’ve never thought you could—this is the place to do the darn thing.
This membership, my studio, and every offer I create is the space where you get to build your business and life exactly how you want to!


"Kierra's genius lies in her ability to pull out what's most important in your business and throw out the noise and overwhelm that can come from marketing."


kierra LISTENS

"Kierra gave me insights & clarity in just 20 minutes. Something that normally gets lost in all the mindset blabber from these other premium fluff coaches. Kierra had a delicate balance of listening to me talk & providing awesome feedback. It was amazing!"



I knew Kierra was the shit. You can feel it in the content that is put out. I knew that kierra knew her shit, and that it would be easy to learn from her.  working with kierra is easily the best decision anyone could make,



"Kierra's impressive ability to ask the right question at the right time to help me dig deeper into what I truly want and what my deep, deep down vision is. No one had been able to truly pull that out of me in the past and she did in one day." 



Kierra was AMAZING at providing actionable insights, asking the hard questions, and centering us on what was a priority to hit our goals. This happened on countless occassions.



"I loved that Kierra listened to me and what I was saying about my needs for my business not just putting me in a box and giving me the same junk other people push out"



As a relationship coach my clients constantly say that I decode their relationship in a way that they’ve never heard before and I had never experienced that feeling myself till working with Kierra. 

Every single time she was able to listen to me and quickly dissect what I was trying to convey to my ideal client, create a strategy for it and support me with my a content plan immediately. This is why I keep coming back to working with her. I started out as a consulting client and now I'm back for her content retainer.


how the streets are talkin'

This membership is a high-touch consulting offer where you’ll work directly with me to build the business you’ve always wanted. Wondering what it's like to work with me? See below!

the word on the street

This membership is a high-touch consulting offer where you’ll work directly with me to build the business you’ve always wanted. Wondering what it's like to work with me? See below!


I knew Kierra was the shit. You can feel it in the content that is put out. I knew that kierra knew her shit, and that it would be easy to learn from her. working with kierra is easily the best decision anyone could make,- Sydney

kierras genius

"Kierra's genius lies in her ability to pull out what's most important in your business and throw out the noise and overwhelm that can come from marketing."


Kierra was AMAZING at providing actionable insights, asking the hard questions, and centering us on what was a priority to hit our goals. This happened on countless occassions.- JUDY


"I loved that Kierra listened to me and what I was saying about my needs for my business not just putting me in a box and giving me the same junk other people push out"- CASSANDRA


"Kierra's impressive ability to ask the right question at the right time to help me dig deeper into what I truly want and what my deep, deep down vision is. No one had been able to truly pull that out of me in the past and she did in one day." - Pam

"SHE decodes everything"

As a relationship coach my clients constantly say that I decode their relationship in a way that they’ve never heard before and I had never experienced that feeling myself till working with Kierra. 
Every single time she was able to listen to me and quickly dissect what I was trying to convey to my ideal client, create a strategy for it and support me with my a content plan immediately. 



When you onboard, you’ll submit your offer suite and let us know which service you want to focus on signing clients for. We’ll conduct a thorough offer audit and provide tailored recommendations on what to sell and where, so you have a clear, actionable plan to seamlessly sign your next 5-10 clients.

Custom Sign a Client Plan.

As you begin to implement your strategy, you’ll learn more about your audience—and their needs may shift over time. These workshops are designed to help you take what’s working, leave what’s not, and create a focused 90-day strategy that sets you up for success quarter after quarter

Quarterly Strategy Workshops

An exclusive space in Slack just for you to ask me anything, anytime. 

Daily Content & Offer Strategy

Drop a question and get it answered on the private podcast! Also includes episodes packed with insider tips, strategies, BTS access into my business & more

Marketing Q&A Podcast

Get personalized feedback on your content to ensure it’s hitting the mark and driving results. We review sales pages, lead magnets, email content & more.

content Reviews

We provide a mini course on how to setup your data so that you know what content to create to fastrack your results! 

Fastrack your results Course



3 month commitment

Calling all Introverts & digital nomads


(and all the busy entrepreneurs)

The vibe IS...

sell what you you want

I created this space to give you everything you need to sign clients by staying true to yourself and your unique strengths. It’s a high-touch membership for entrepreneurs who want a custom strategy tailored to their goals, plus a supportive space to ask questions, pivot, and grow at their own pace.

There’s no pressure to follow rigid frameworks or get lost in unnecessary noise. You pop in, take exactly what you need, and walk away ready to take action. Minimal fluff, maximum results—your way.

I Designed this room with you in mind

Perfect for the traveling digital nomad who’d rather be on a flight, living their best life than stuck on a call with 80 strangers they’ve never met.

The grad student or busy mom juggling a million things who wants a simple way to get results. 

The independent introvert who likes having access to a group but also loves to chill and work at their own pace.

That’s my Vibe!


Take a look at our FAQ's below or drop a question into the blue chatbox to speak to Kierra right now! 


The membership is designed for Agency owners, Service Providers, Consultants & Coaches. 

It is not designed for Product Brands! If you are a product brand please reach out to us via the chatbox to see how we can support you in our custom offers. 

If you do not fit the above business models, message us in the chatbox to ensure you're the right fit!


Hi Kierra here! You'll get to work with me directly through our private Slack channel for any questions or support you need. I also currently do all of the content reviews, and if you upgrade to our agency services you’ll see me there also!

How long are we required to stay in?

You're required to stay in the membership for at least 3 months to fully benefit from the resources and support offered. This duration ensures that you have sufficient time to implement strategies and see results in your business growth!. 

What if I can’t participate all the time?

No worries at all! Our membership is designed to be flexible to accommodate your busy schedule. Some of our clients get results just by using the 1:1 calls, podcast or content reviews. You can engage with the resources and community at your own pace, accessing them whenever it suits you best. We understand life happens, so jump in and out as you need without any pressure.